Blog Archive: 2021/11
Should Licensed Professionals in Illinois Purchase Professional Liability Insurance?
Posted on November 23, 2021 in Medical License Defense
Illinois Doctors Arrested for DUI Must Also Defend Their Medical Licenses
Posted on November 15, 2021 in Medical License Defense
Is Your Illinois Pharmacist License at Risk?
Posted on November 08, 2021 in Pharmacy License Defense
On What Grounds Can an Illinois Real Estate License Be Revoked?
Posted on November 05, 2021 in Professional License Defense
Practice Areas
- Complete Representation for the Licensed Professional
- Illinois Medical Board
- Illinois Board of Nursing
- Illinois Board of Pharmacy
- MPJE Remediation
- Illinois Board of Clinical Psychologists/ Social Workers
- Illinois Board of Chiropractors/ Physical Therapists
- Illinois Dental Board
- Illinois Real Estate Board
- Loss of Hospital Privilege Defense
- Loss of Provider Status and Insurance Audits
- PBM Pharmacy Audits
- Nursing Home Licensing and Public Health
- Expert Witness
- Brokerage: Buying and Selling of Pharmacies Legal Representation
- Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
- DEA Pharmacy Investigations
- DEA Doctor Investigations
- DEA Dentist Investigations
- DEA Investigation of Nurses and Nurse Practitioners
- DEA Investigation of Physician Assistants
- FAQs
- DEA Audits and Investigations
- DEA Registration Defense and Enforcement Actions
- DEA Surrenders
- DEA Registration Applications and Renewal
- DEA Orders to Show Cause
- DEA Suspension and Revocation Orders
- Drug Diversion and Drug Trafficking
- Conspiracy to Possess, Dispense, or Distribute a Controlled Substance
- Unlawful Dispensing of a Controlled Substance
- Unlawful Prescribing of Controlled Substances
- DEA Administrative Hearings
- Medicare/ Medicaid Pharmacy and Office Audits
- Office of the Inspector General (Federal and State)
- DMEPOS Accreditation
- VAWD Accreditation
- NABP Certification
- Online Pharmacy Accreditation Attorney
- Certification Board Representation
- Medical Marijuana Lawyer
- Chicago Medicare Repayment Attorney
- Illinois Medical Spa Auditing for Compliance
- Illinois Medical Spa Professional License Defense
- Illinois Medical Spa License FAQs
Recent Blog Posts
- Chiropractor/ Physical Therapist License Defense
- DEA Raid
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- Medical License Defense
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- Pharmacy License Defense
- Pharmacy Student Remediation Tutor
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- Psychologist/ Social Worker License Defense
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1550 Spring Rd. Suite 225, Oak Brook, IL 60523