Lawyer for Defense of Unlawful Prescribing of Controlled Substances Across the U.S.

United States Attorneys for DEA Investigations Involving Medical Professionals and Prescriptions
While the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is best known for fighting the spread of "street drugs" such as heroin, cocaine, or methamphetamines, it also regulates the use of controlled substances for medical purposes. To address concerns about drug diversion and drug trafficking, DEA investigations may look at medical providers such as doctors, dentists, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners to determine whether they have unlawfully prescribed controlled substances to patients. Providers who are being investigated or who have been accused of writing illegal prescriptions will need a skilled attorney on their side who can help them avoid penalties that affect their ability to continue practicing.
The lawyers of The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc. understand that DEA investigations and accusations of illegal activity can have far-reaching consequences. In addition to the possible revocation or suspension of your DEA registration and prosecution on drug charges, you may face penalties to your medical license, and you could lose your board certification, hospital privileges, or your status as a provider with Medicare or Medicaid. We can provide you with representation during a DEA investigation or administrative hearing, and we will work with you to address any issues that may affect your practice.
DEA Investigations of Prescribing Practices
Prescriptions for controlled substances should only be issued for legitimate medical purposes. If the DEA suspects that a medical provider is not issuing these types of prescriptions in good faith, it may perform an investigation. The DEA may look into a provider's prescribing patterns, review patient records, and interview a provider or other staff members regarding the procedures they follow and the methods being used to prevent drug diversion. Some issues that may cause the DEA to suspect that a doctor or other provider has unlawfully prescribed controlled substances include:
- Issuing prescriptions to a provider's family members.
- Issuing prescriptions to a patient with a known addiction or to a patient who admitted that drugs would be used for non-medical purposes.
- Issuing prescriptions to patients who live outside of the geographical area where a provider's office is located.
- Issuing prescriptions for purposes that are outside the scope of the provider's regular practice.
- Issuing prescriptions without establishing a provider/patient relationship.
- Issuing prescriptions without performing a physical examination of a patient or reviewing a patient's medical history.
- Issuing prescriptions without considering other forms of treatment.
- Issuing prescriptions for drugs that would not normally be used to treat a patient's medical condition.
- Prescribing large amounts of the same or similar drugs to multiple patients.
- Issuing multiple prescriptions to a patient with the intent to space them out over long intervals.
- Issuing prescriptions of drugs in unusually high doses or amounts that are not consistent with legitimate medical treatment.
- Issuing prescriptions for controlled substances such as opioids without requiring patients to participate in a pain management plan.
- Failure to keep consistent medical records showing regarding the types of drugs that have been prescribed to patients and the other treatments they have received.
- Failure to follow state requirements regarding prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs).
Contact Our U.S. Controlled Substance Prescriber Defense Lawyers
A DEA investigation can have serious consequences on your career, even if you have not purposely committed unlawful prescribing of controlled substances. At The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc., we can provide you with legal representation during an investigation. We will make sure you provide the right information to investigators, and we will work to defend your DEA registration and help you avoid penalties that could affect your practice. To arrange a free consultation and learn how we can provide the defense you need, contact our office today at 630-310-1267.