Illinois Lawyer For Maintaining Medical Board Certification

Medical License and Board Certification Defense Attorney in DuPage County
Getting board certified is a significant challenge for doctors from a variety of medical specialties, requiring many years of education, training, and dedication. However, maintaining certification can be just as challenging, as it requires doctors to continually develop and demonstrate their skills and remain in good professional standing. Unfortunately, many doctors find that they are at risk of losing their certification for a number of reasons, potentially bringing about a major setback in their careers. Even worse, the loss of certification could come with other setbacks including the loss of one’s hospital privileges or license to practice.
However, it may be possible to protect and maintain your board certification with the assistance of an experienced attorney. At The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc., we defend doctors against different kinds of disciplinary actions that can negatively impact their careers. We are committed to providing you with the representation you deserve and guiding you through any obstacles and threats that you may encounter.
What Are the Requirements for Maintaining Board Certification?
The American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS) and its member boards have established high standards for achieving board certification, including extensive training and education in one’s specialty and a demonstration of one’s knowledge, skills, and professionalism. Even after achieving certification, however, there is no guarantee that a doctor will stay certified for the remainder of their career. Rather, they will need to demonstrate their ongoing commitment to growth and betterment through a Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program.
Most elements of a MOC focus on a doctor’s specialty-specific knowledge and practice. For example, doctors will be expected to participate in learning activities related to the most recent knowledge and advances in their specialty, and to complete an objective examination of their knowledge and skills at least once every 10 years. Doctors will also be assessed based on improvements to their practice, including in the areas of patient care, satisfaction, and health outcomes, as well as access to care.
Just as important, though, is the doctor’s commitment to continued professionalism and upholding their professional standing. A MOC program may assess a doctor’s behavior with patients and colleagues and commitment to self-care, as well as seek to ensure that the doctor continues to act in the best interests of patients. State license suspension and other disciplinary action can be particularly damaging when it comes to the ABMS standards for maintaining professionalism.
Maintaining Certification in the Face of Disciplinary Action
When your professionalism is called into question during the course of a MOC program, especially in connection with a disciplinary investigation by one of the many agencies that regulate the conduct of medical professionals, you should be sure to hire an attorney as soon as possible. Losing your certification is damaging in its own right, but depending on the nature of the investigation, you could lose much more, including your state medical license, DEA registration, and federal funding. An attorney can help you protect your rights while remaining in compliance with the investigation, as well as negotiate for a fair resolution with minimal damage to your career.
With your lawyer’s assistance, you may be able to prevent the revocation of your board certification and other privileges. If your certification is revoked, however, you may be eligible to apply for reinstatement after a certain period of time. The requirements for reinstatement may vary depending on the member board with which you were certified, but your attorney can help you understand and take the steps to fulfill them, demonstrating to the best of your ability that you are a good candidate for reinstatement.
Contact a Specialty Board Certification Defense Lawyer
If you have questions about maintaining your ABMS board certification in Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, or any other specialty, especially if you are in the midst of a disciplinary investigation, contact us at 630-310-1267 today. We can help you take expedient action to protect your career and your reputation. We represent doctors throughout Illinois, including DuPage County, Cook County, and the Chicago area.