Florida Medicare Repayment Attorney
The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc.



Florida Medicare Repayment Attorney

Lawyer Helping Negotiate Repayment Agreements for People in Florida Who Receive Demand Letters From Medicare

Letters from the government can be scary, especially when they demand money. If you have received a demand letter from Medicare claiming that you must repay benefits that you have received, you may feel overwhelmed. Your resources may already be limited, and the requirement to repay Medicare could put you in an impossible financial situation. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to respond to a Medicare payback notice, but it is important to get legal help when doing so.

The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc. helps Florida residents who have received repayment demands from Medicare. We can challenge unjust claims, negotiate reductions, and seek waivers when appropriate. Our goal is to help you avoid financial difficulties by negotiating agreements with Medicare, and we will make sure you take the correct steps to reduce the amount you owe or eliminate the requirement to repay Medicare for the benefits you have received.

Why Medicare May Request the Repayment of Benefits

Many people are unaware that Medicare has the right to seek reimbursement for medical costs it has covered if it determines that another party is responsible for paying those expenses. This process, known as Medicare Secondary Payer Recovery, often affects people who receive personal injury settlements or other payments related to medical treatment.

When Medicare initially pays for treatment, it does so on the condition that it will be reimbursed if the beneficiary later recovers compensation from another source. If a person receives a settlement in a personal injury claim, Medicare may determine that the settlement should go toward paying their medical expenses, and it may send the person a letter stating that some or all of the benefits provided must be repaid.

In some cases, Medicare may demand that a person repay the full amount they received in a settlement. For example, consider a situation in which a person named John, a Florida resident and Medicare beneficiary, was injured in a collision with a commercial truck. John received multiple forms of medical treatment after the accident, and Medicare paid for his hospital stay, surgeries, and rehabilitation. A year later, John settled a personal injury claim with the trucking company and received a total of $75,000.

In this situation, John may receive a letter from Medicare stating that the benefits paid for his medical care exceeded $75,000. Because of this, Medicare is seeking reimbursement for the benefits paid, and John will be required to turn over the entire $75,000 settlement. This is likely to cause significant difficulties for John, since he is likely relying on the settlement to address additional expenses, such as the costs of replacing his vehicle and receiving ongoing physical therapy.

This scenario is common, and without proper legal guidance, John may end up paying more than necessary. However, by working with a skilled attorney, John may be able to reduce the amount he will be required to pay, or he may receive a waiver that will allow him to keep the full settlement.

The Consequences of Ignoring a Medicare Demand Letter

Ignoring a conditional payment letter from Medicare can lead to serious consequences. Medicare has the authority to impose penalties, including initiating collection actions or placing liens on a person's property. Medicare may garnish future benefits to recover the amount owed, and interest may accrue until full repayment is made.

By working with an attorney to address Medicare's demands promptly, beneficiaries can protect their financial stability and ensure that they do not have to pay more than they should.

How The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc. Can Help Florida Residents Respond to Medicare Demand Letters

If you are facing a Medicare demand for repayment, our attorney can help you take steps to protect your rights and your financial interests. We can help you by:

  • Verifying the Accuracy of Medicare's Claim: We will review Medicare's demand letter to determine whether all listed expenses are related to your injury and whether Medicare has accounted for legal fees and other deductions. If necessary, we can challenge incorrect charges and address errors in the calculation of benefits that were paid.
  • Negotiating a Reduction: Medicare may allow for a reduction in repayment obligations in certain circumstances, such as when legal costs impact the total recovery amount. Our lawyer can ensure that Medicare applies all available reductions.
  • Requesting a Hardship Waiver: If repaying Medicare would create financial hardship, our attorney can request a waiver or compromise to reduce or eliminate your obligation.
  • Handling Appeals: If Medicare denies your request for a reduction or waiver, our lawyer can file an appeal and present additional evidence to support your case.

Contact Our Medicare Benefit Repayment Lawyer

If you have received a Medicare conditional payment letter, The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc. is ready to assist you. Our attorney helps Florida residents understand their rights, challenge unjust repayment claims, and negotiate reductions or waivers. Do not let Medicare repayment demands overwhelm you—contact us at 630-310-1267 to arrange a free consultation and discuss your legal options.

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