The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc.



Attorney Joseph Bogdan is both a registered pharmacist and a former prosecutor with the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation.

Attorney Joseph Bogdan is a former State of Illinois Chief Pharmacist of Food, Drug and Dairies for the Illinois Department of Public Health.

Attorney Joseph Bogdan is a former Deputy Director of Emergency Preparedness for the Illinois Department of Health.

IDFPR Illinois Professional License Defense Attorney

DEA and Medical License Defense Lawyer in DuPage County, Cook County, Illinois, and Across the U.S.

At The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc., we have over 19 years of experience and a strong track record of success defending health care professionals who are in jeopardy of having their licenses disciplined by the state. We provide skilled consultation and legal services for nearly all health care providers and entities, including pharmacists, pharmacies, physicians, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, psychologists, social workers, dentists, chiropractors, physical therapists, residents, hospitals, nursing homes, pharmacies, and durable medical suppliers. We also provide consultation for law firms and in-house regulatory departments for various health-care-related legal matters.

If you need assistance obtaining a professional license or defending against a disciplinary action, we are here to help. We serve both Springfield and Chicago IDFPR locations. Contact our office today at 630-310-1267 to schedule a free consultation with an experienced attorney.


License Defense in Illinois and Indiana

In addition to helping professionals who are licensed in Illinois address disciplinary issues involving the IDFPR, our firm also provides legal help with professional licensing matters in Indiana. We can work with doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and other professionals to respond to investigations, defend against disciplinary action, and address related concerns that may affect their careers.


In-Depth Knowledge from Both Sides

Before going into private practice, Attorney Bogdan was a prosecutor at the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR). While serving with the IDFPR, he became familiar with all of the ins and outs of the agency, its processes, how cases are typically investigated and prosecuted, and the common strategies used to prosecute a disciplinary action against a health care professional or entity.

Attorney Bogdan’s background and ability effectively prepares clients for the possibilities they may encounter during a disciplinary action. He assures his clients that they will receive the skilled representation they deserve. This is a major reason he often provides counsel for other area attorneys and law firms who are dealing with these types of cases.


Attorney Bogdan is both a registered pharmacist (Pharm.D.) and a professional license defense lawyer. He has extensive knowledge of both the legal and medical professions, and he often serves as an expert witness in medical, pharmacy, medical malpractice, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), and other similar matters. Attorney Bogdan is a board member of the Illinois Pharmacist Association and teaches Pharmacy Law and Public Health at three Chicago colleges of pharmacy. Additionally, he was a former prosecutor and previously the Chief of Pharmacy Prosecutors for the IDFPR. Attorney Bogdan's blend of medical and legal training gives him a unique perspective that allows him to thoroughly examine the bigger picture and provide comprehensive legal solutions that fully account for all relevant factors in a professional license defense case.

Complete Representation for the Licensed Professional

No matter the stage of your career, the extent of your practice, or the complexity of the legal issues you need to address, The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc. can assist you with your needs. With our experience working with the IDFPR and representing clients before state licensing boards, we can help you understand the best ways to protect your license. Whether you are applying for a license or a renewal or defending against disciplinary action, we will provide you with representation and work to safeguard your rights and interests.

We can also help address any other legal issues that may affect your business, your practice, or your career. We can assist pharmacies, medical offices, and other licensed professionals with audits by insurance companies or other organizations, and we can also help you obtain and defend your accreditations and board certifications.

Loss of Hospital Privileges and Provider Status

Loss of Hospital Privileges and Provider Status

Disciplinary action to a medical provider's professional license may lead a hospital or medical facility to revoke their privileges. A person may also face the loss of their enrollment with Medicare/Medicaid or the revocation of their ability to provide services through private health insurance companies. These decisions can have multiple different types of negative effects on a person's ability to provide services to patients, and they can threaten a practice's business and make it impossible to continue operating. In these cases, our lawyers can review a hospital's bylaws and help address the issues uncovered in audits by Medicare/Medicaid or private insurers. We will provide representation in hearings before hospital boards to defend against the loss of hospital privileges, and we will help you take legal action to protect your provider status and ensure that you can continue to bill insurers for the medical services you provide.

Drug Enforcement Administration

Medical providers who prescribe or dispense controlled substances must maintain registration with the DEA. The DEA performs regular audits and inspections of these providers, and it may pursue enforcement actions in cases where drug diversion or drug trafficking are suspected. We can provide representation to help medical professionals defend against the suspension or revocation of their DEA registration, and we can help you understand the steps you should take if you have received an Order to Show Cause or have been asked to surrender your DEA registration.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Am I Being Investigated by the DEA?

The DEA may perform an investigation based on suspicions of drug diversion, including questionable prescribing practices or patterns of dispensing controlled substances to patients. DEA agents may review patient records, interview staff members, or examine a provider's inventory of controlled substances.

Should I Surrender My DEA Registration?

Voluntarily giving up your DEA registration can result in a variety of consequences, including discipline to your professional license or loss of provider status, hospital privileges, and board certification. You should consult with our attorneys before surrendering your controlled substance registration to the DEA.

What Are My Rights in a DEA Investigation?

In most cases, you must give informed consent to allow DEA agents to conduct an audit or investigation. However, you are required to comply with a search warrant or subpoena. Our attorneys can advise you of what information you should provide to DEA agents and how you should respond to questions or requests.

What Is a DEA Order to Show Cause?

When the DEA takes action against a provider's controlled substance registration, it will issue an Order to Show Cause. After receiving this order, a provider will have 30 days to request an administrative hearing or waive their right to a hearing while providing a written response.

Providing legal and consultation services within the healthcare field



In most cases, medical practitioners are required to obtain informed consent from their patients before a procedure. This is not only an ethical obligation but also a legal one. Under Illinois law, patients have a right to understand the nature of the treatments they receive...

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Registered nurses are required to adhere to strict laws and regulations, especially when tending to patients. Failure to do so can result in allegations of patient neglect. A nurse who is determined to have neglected a patient may not only have his or her license...

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Physicians, hospitals, and pharmacists are sometimes subjected to audits by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The purpose of an audit is to determine whether there have been any violations of the Controlled Substances Act, which regulates the distribution of drugs. DEA investigators specifically look for...

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