IDFPR Illinois Nurse Defense Lawyer

Nursing Disciplinary Action Defense Attorney in Chicago, Illinois, and Throughout the U.S.
In Illinois, licenses for nurse practitioners, nurse anesthetists, advanced practice nurses, and other nursing professionals are obtained and regulated by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) and the Illinois Board of Nursing. The IDFPR oversees hundreds of thousands of licensed nursing professionals throughout the state. If you are having difficulty obtaining a license or facing any kind of trouble with the IDFPR, it is important to speak with an experienced professional license defense attorney, so you understand your options.
At The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc., we have provided skilled representation for nurses and other health care professionals facing licensing difficulties in Illinois for over 16 years. Joseph Bogdan is both a lawyer and a registered pharmacist. Before going into private practice, Attorney Bogdan was a prosecutor for the IDFPR. His extensive medical and legal background and his in-depth experience representing both sides in professional license disciplinary actions give his clients the assurance they are receiving the skilled representation they need to secure a positive outcome in their case.
Common Illinois Board of Nursing Complaints
IDFPR disciplinary actions against nurses typically fall into one of the following categories:
- Unprofessional Conduct: Actions that are likely to deceive or defraud the public, such as falsifying documents while applying for a nursing license or falsifying patient records.
- Unsafe Practices: Engaging in reckless behavior or providing substandard care that may endanger the health of patients.
- Unethical Practices: Discrimination, harassment, inappropriate sexual relations with patients, breach of patient confidentiality, and similar unprofessional practices.
- Criminal Convictions: A conviction for criminal activities in which there was a plea of guilty or no contest. Most felonies and misdemeanors fall into this category.
- Substance Abuse: Alcohol or drug impairment that endangers those under their care.
When a complaint is lodged, it is reviewed to determine if it warrants an investigation. If the matter is investigated and enough evidence is uncovered, it could lead to disciplinary action, such as a reprimand, probation, suspension, or revocation of the license. Complaints could also lead to other issues, such as loss of hospital privileges or loss of provider status.
Contact an Experienced IDFPR Licensure Lawyer at 630-310-1267
If you are having trouble obtaining a license or are being investigated by the Illinois Board of Nursing or IDFPR, it is important to take action to preserve your career. With so much at stake, you need the strong guidance of an experienced Illinois nursing license defense lawyer. To arrange for a free consultation with Attorney Bogdan, contact our office today at 630-310-1267.