IDFPR Doctor License Defense Attorney

Medical Board License Defense Lawyer for Doctors and Physicians in DuPage County, Illinois, and Across the U.S.
When you are having difficulty obtaining a medical license, or there is a complaint against you, it can threaten your livelihood. A suspended or revoked medical license means no longer being able to practice medicine and earn a living. If your professional license is in jeopardy, it is important to be proactive and take steps to rectify the situation before it is too late.
For over 16 years, The Law Offices of Joseph J. Bogdan, Inc. has provided skilled consultation and representation to medical professionals in Illinois who are having trouble obtaining a license or are facing disciplinary action before the Illinois Medical Board. Attorney Bogdan is both a registered pharmacist and professional license defense attorney. As a former prosecutor for the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR), he has in-depth knowledge of the common tactics used by the other side. Attorney Bogdan provides complete representation for licensed medical professionals, and he knows how to provide an effective defense for clients so they can maintain their medical licenses and continue in their careers.
Common Illinois Medical Board Complaints
Each year, approximately 3,000 complaints are lodged before the Illinois Medical Disciplinary Board against doctors of medicine, physician's assistants, doctors of osteopathy, and other medical professionals. Over half of these complaints usually come from consumers. The rest come from other state agencies, authorities in other states, and various sources such as insurers, associations, and health care institutions.
There are over 40 different grounds for disciplinary action against medical professionals, and in any given year, complaints are typically filed covering almost every category. Among the most common reasons for complaints before the Illinois Medical Board include:
- Unprofessional Conduct (e.g., fraudulent insurance claim filings, altering records, false or misleading advertising, and DUI or other types of criminal arrests or convictions)
- Substandard Care (e.g., misdiagnoses, treatment delays, poor treatment, etc.)
- Prescription Issues (e.g., overprescribing/underprescribing and violations of drug laws)
- Sexual Misconduct
- Substance Abuse/DUI
- Practicing without a License (or aiding/abetting unlicensed practice)
- Failure to Pay Child Support
When a complaint is lodged, the information is reviewed, and a decision is made whether or not to begin an investigation or close the case. After an investigation, the Complaint Committee of the Illinois Medical Disciplinary Board decides whether or not to close the case or forward it for prosecution.